I am normally a positive/upbeat person, but we are living in unusual times with buying a home during the COVID-19 Pandemic. So forgive me while I go over the new issues to tackle in regards to protecting the safety of all the people involved in real estate transactions including: buyers, sellers, real estate agents, inspectors, appraisers, escrow officers, lenders, etc. Please read the following information very carefully.
In order to plan a home tour for you, I will need you to confirm in writing that none of the people touring homes (Buyers) with me, nor people they work with closely, or live with:
- Are currently diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Are currently under quarantine due to possible COVID-19 infection.
- Have had close, unprotected contact in the previous 14 days with someone who is diagnosed with COVID-19. (If you are a healthcare provider, see guidelines below).
- Have traveled in the previous 14 days to anywhere designated by the CDC as having widespread ongoing COVID-19 transmission.
- Have experienced COVID-19, Cold, or Flu-like symptoms in the previous 14 days.
BTW: I pass all five of these! Rest assured I will not knowingly expose you to COVID-19 and I take proper sanitization and social distancing very seriously.
The reason I bring this up is that I will be emailing you some documents before we go on our first home tour. One of these documents (see example) will be used to obtain appointment confirmations with various home sellers (via their listing agents). In return, I will try to obtain this information from all occupied homes that we may want to tour.
If you do not want to tour a home without the Seller’s Response on these issues (see example) then please let me know.
Healthcare Professionals
Please alert me if you are a Medium or High risk in Exposure Category according to CDC’s guidelines.
There are some known issues with buying a home during the COVID-19 Pandemic, including:
- Longer time needed to set up appointments for home tours, because of the new forms that are to be submitted confirming neither side is potentially infected with COVID-19. Some Sellers my not allow showings.
- Longer time frames needed for typical deadlines such as inspections, Option periods, loan approval time frame, appraisals, etc.
- Problems with lender appraisers who will only view the exterior of the home or do a drive-by appraisal.
(I have no control over this so please discuss with your lender.)
- Problems with low, under value appraisals that are not necessarily based on current market data. PLEASE TELL LENDER TO ORDER APPRAISAL DURING OPTION PERIOD. (I have no control over this but we can use an Addendum to protect you, by giving you the option to cancel the deal, if the appraisal comes in too low. Otherwise, if a home appraises below the sales price, a lender may require you to come up with the difference between sales price and appraised price, in addition to your down payment and Closing costs.)
- Delays and problems with loan processing and funding during the pandemic. MAKE SURE YOU DISCUSS THESE POTENTIAL ISSUES WITH YOUR LENDER!
As always, I am here to protect you to the best of my ability, but I have limited control over viruses, sellers, listing agents, lenders, appraisers, inspectors, etc. So the best I know to do is to warn you in advance of these potential issues so that you can be prepared for them. 🙂
I don’t like setting “requirements” for touring homes with me, but for both your safety and mine, I would like to set proper expectations regarding what we all agree to in order to go on a home tour:

- Everyone must wear a face mask at all times during the home tours and maintain 6-feet apart as much as possible. That includes time outside of the homes when we are on the front porch, back yard, back patio garage, etc.
- Buyers travel in their own car, not my car (social distancing).
- Buyer clients will be prepared for it to take longer for me to “clean up” after a showing, and before I get into my car. (I will probably wear gloves since I have to handle un-disinfected keys, doorknobs, etc. I plan to properly dispose of gloves after each showing, before I get into my car.)
- Buyers will bring their own hand sanitizer and use it between each showing.
- Only the parties to the transaction are allowed on showings: no children or other friends or family members.
- Please send me your pre-approval letter, not just a pre-qualification letter (learn the difference), because many Sellers will not approve appointments without one (see below). We will need a pre-approval letter to make an offer anyway.
A few other things to expect when buying a home during COVID-19 Pandemic and upcoming months…
To minimize unnecessary exposure:

- I may not be allowed to attend home inspections or Closings. Most real estate agents don’t attend these appointments anyway, so there should be no issue with me not attending them during this pandemic. (Agent attendance at these appointment is generally a “courtesy” only.)
- Instead of meeting in person, we may have to do more phone or online conferences.
- All paperwork will be handled via DotLoop for signatures and email when appropriate. (This is the norm anyway.)
- Earnest money (1 percent of sales price) will be delivered to the title company by you in person (personal check) OR via a Wire Transfer (your choice). You will be responsible for doing this within 3 days after the contract is Executed by all parties. I will give you exact instructions when it’s time. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!
Beware of Wire Fraud! NEVER Wire funds unless you have called the title company and verbally verified the account number in the emailed instructions. Don’t just wire money based on an email, even if it looks like it came from me or the title company.
- Option fee ($200-400 usually) will be delivered by you to the Seller’s Broker’s office. Or, if possible, we will see if you can deliver it directly to the Seller via PayPal, Venmo, or some other service you like to use. You will be responsible for doing this within 3 days after the contract is Executed by all parties. I will give you exact instructions when it’s time. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!
Since this is a challenging time for getting permission from sellers to tour homes, I would like to minimize unnecessary viewings as much as possible. As best you can, please view the Virtual Tours for potential homes to weed out floorplans and homes that won’t work for you. 🙂
The red arrow (below) points at where you can access the Map and Virtual Tour tools on your custom home search that I set up for you.

Also use the Map tool to view a Satellite map of potential homes and Zoom In to see if there are any potential defects. Lots of buyers don’t want a home that backs up to utility poles, commercial properties, busy streets, etc. You can see what’s around a home by viewing the Satellite map and Zooming In.

I hope this helps you in understanding the new issues we will face. I am happy to help you find a great home!
We just have to “jump through a few hoops” to achieve our goals during the pandemic. 😀
Also Important to know when buying a home:
- The Agent Showing You Houses May Not Be Your Agent
- How to Price a Home Correctly
- Do I Need A Real Estate Agent? Maybe I Can Do This Myself